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EngageTech Forum 2020 - Konveio Demo Session

Thanks for taking the time to learn more about Konveio. Take a quick look around this mock public workshop and answer a few questions to help us better understand your work and digital engagement practices

Where does Konveio fit on the EngageTech Spectrum?

Explore a draft plan

Tell us more about your work and yourself
Thumbnail of the node

What tools are you currently using?

What tools or technologies are you currently using to publish interactive plans, collect public comments or facilitate small stakeholder groups?
Thumbnail of the node

How would you use Konveio?

If you had access to Konveio today, which parts of your work or current projects would benefit the most?
Forum Information

The EngageTech Forum is a workshop and technology showcase for people who want to understand the tools and data available for community and stakeholder engagement.

Explore examples for each use case

Draft Review

Interactive Document

Digital Workshop

Stakeholder Workspace

We'd love to hear from you!

Contact us with any questions you might have, to set up a full demo for you and your colleagues or to discuss setting up a free evaluation site. 

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